
Education Loans

  • Loan amount up to R250,000
  • Interest 20%
  • Term 1 - 12 months
  • Loan amount R500 – R4,000
  • Interest 10%
  • Term 4 – 49 days
  • Loan amount R500 - R40,000
  • Interest 5%
  • Term 1 - 24 months
  • Loan amount R500 - R8,000
  • Interest 5%/month
  • Term 1 - 3 months
  • Loan amount R1,000 – R150,000
  • Interest max 24.5%
  • Term 12 – 60 months
  • Loan amount R250 - R350,000
  • Interest 15%
  • Term 1 day - 84 months
  • Loan amount R500 – R15,000
  • Interest from 28%
  • Term 6 – 18 months
  • Loan amount R500 - R4,000
  • Interest 18,60%
  • Term 4 days - 6 months
  • Loan amount R1,000 - R250,000
  • Interest 20%
  • Term 6 - 84 months
  • Loan amount R5,000 - R200,000
  • Interest 21,90%
  • Term 2 - 6 years
  • Loan amount R2,000 - R200,000
  • Interest 27,50%
  • Term 1 - 84 months
  • Loan amount R500 - R5,000
  • Interest 5%
  • Term 1 - 31 days
  • Loan amount R100 - R4,000
  • Interest 24,31%
  • Term 2 - 36 days
  • Loan amount R100 - R250,000
  • Interest 28%
  • Term 2 - 60 months
  • Loan amount R80,000 - R250,000
  • Interest 12,90%
  • Term 1 - 84 months

Getting an education of any kind is vital in modern society. If you go to the department of education, student loans will not be something they want to talk about much. Yet, paying for it all at once is a heavy burden to carry. Instead, you can look at several alternatives that keep your pocket full. For sure debt is not something an average student wants. However, if the education is worth it, there is no reason to hesitate. For ages, it seemed like the rates for paying off such things are high. It depends on many factors, and it is a service available to most people. Education loans are practiced in most developed countries of the world. Most students in the USA have urgent loan 10,000 that they pay off during their adult life. It is not something to be scared or ashamed of.

How do education loans in South Africa work?

There is a standard procedure for every candidate. With some lenders, it is simple, and with some, the process is more sophisticated. A typical set of documents that you need to have included:

  • Passport or any identification of a person;
  • Previous credit history certificate;
  • Certificate from the educational establishment.

These are the main elements of paperwork. Supposing if a company wants to check more, they will request additional information. There is usually a time frame within which the loan is approved. If you want an immediate loan, you need to specify it.

What can you pay for with education loans in South Africa?

Hesitating about your future profession? If financing comfortable conditions for the time of studying is an issue, there is a magic wand for that. It is believed that one can lend money to pay tuition fees only. It is a mistake. Even the department of education loans can cover your accommodation. Moreover, if you go to a non-governmental agency to get money, they will not be asking for a detailed breakdown of your expenses. You are free to pay whatever you need with it.

What are the terms for eligibility for educational loans in South Africa?

Depending on your residence status, you can get certain types of credit. No doubt, your good history of paying off Finchoice loan or absence of them plays a role. Yet, most companies exist to provide services to clients with different financial situations. The following terms might be offered to you:

  • Secured loan with the fixed rate. It means that you get the required amount of money and the interest you pay stays the same for the number of years or months you agreed to. The average term is from five to ten years. Sometimes the student needs more time, and a twenty years term is possible.
  • You get conditions that tell you to pay more in case you miss the monthly payment. There is a strict timeline for your payments. Keep an eye on the dates so as not to miss them and disturb the company. It influences your future reputation.
  • Educational loans for students do not require much paperwork, and it is assumed that the student did not have any issues with banks before. However, having previous experience with loans does not ruin it for you.
  • You can get money for paying a certain term. If you have been studying in an institution for some time, or you went to another one, get the proof. It can be a certificate from the dean’s office or receipts for completing the tuition payment.


What is the point of educational loans? You get debt on your future job. However, you also earn yourself a chance to have a better qualification which results in making more money. Eventually, the money you pay off will seem like a small drop in the income you will be having. Not only studying but a living arrangement can be provided with the borrowed money. There is no need to suffer from bad living conditions when education loans for students cover more than a good-quality apartment or dormitory. Most plans cover force-majeure circumstances and provide detailed instruction on how to control the installments.

TOP 7 Education Loans February 2025
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